Bibliography - Longman&Brod 24CD,1795

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Title Longman&Brod 24CD,1795 
Title Twenty-Four Country Dances for the Year 1795 
Pages 12 
Publisher Longman and Broderip 
Location British Library. 
Date 1795 
Place London 
NB As they are Perform'd at Court, Bath and all Public Assemblies 
Title Page Date
Braes of Bushbie,The  1795 
Johnie's made a wedding o't  1795 
Count Zembiccari  1795 
Drown Drouth  1795 
Charles Street Bath  1795 
Caledonian Hunt,The  1795 
Boughton Lodge  1795 
Capt. Kennedys Reel  1795 
Royal Hunt,The  1795 
Marry Kitty  1795 
First of June,The,or,The Sailor's Rant  1795 
Sailor's Rant,The.The First of June,or  1795 
Earl Marshall's Reel,The  1795 
Tartan Bonnet  1795 
Ashleys Flag  1795 
New Theatre,The  1795 
Lady Gores Allemande  1795 
Careless Sally  1795 
Morays Fancy  1795 
Hardy Sailor,The  10  1795 
New Fair,The  10  1795 
Kentish Cricketters  11  1795 
Prusian Quick Step,The  11  1795 
Barham Downs  12  1795 
Duke of Yorks Quick Step,The  12  1795 
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