Title Je Ne Scai Quoi, The (t), or Favorite Ballad, A (at) 
Short Title Gent's Amus, 1794 
Page 21 
Genre  AI 
Instruments  GF/VN/VO 
Incipit  //11/123//4/44321//7-7-/7-27-//1 
Alternate Title Favorite Ballad, A (at). Je Ne Scai Quoi, The (t), or 
First Line Your wisemen all declare (fl) 
Burden Text Je ne scai quoi, The (bt) 
Performers Oldmixon, Mrs. 
Theatre Works Robin Hood 
Stress Notes  1144771 
Intervals  2,2,2,-2,-2,-2,-2,3,-3,2, 
Key Signature FU#,C# 
Time Signature 6/8 
Date 1794 
Number J16.17 
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Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839: Source Data
© 2002 Colonial Music Institute