Bibliography - Poetical, 1788

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Short Title Poetical, 1788 
Title Poetical Description of Song Birds, A 
Pages 88 
Publisher Thomas, Isaah 
Location AoA 
Date 1788 
Place Worcester 
Data Place AoA: E21399 
First Line Page Verses
In the hedge and in the hills  12-13 
I flew o'er the fields and a naughty boy saw  16-17 
In spotted plumes the starling shines confest  17-19 
Go, pretty bird, and speed thy light  24-26 
Hither come, ye little misses  29-31 
Come, come, pretty youths, to the fields come away  32-34 
Let each youth who wou'd excel  35-39 
Let those who are good  43-45 
Redstart is extremely shy, The  46-48 
Little wren of tener mind, The  49-51 
This lovely bird with humming noise  52-54 
Sweet greyfinch---sweet greyfinch, sing Nancy  55-57   
Charming in each Indian shade  58-60 
There was a little master  61-62 
Says the Bullfinch, I learn every note that I hear  63-65 
Song is sweet the Chaffinch sings, The [sic]  66-67 
Ye youths who attentively look  68-69 
Children, seize the present minute  75-76 
Green, like the linnet, it appears to sight  77 
Pretty master, pretty miss  78 
Brought from a country where the sun  80-81 
When aloft thro' air I go  82-83 
In winter and cold weather  84-85 
When the waters gently flow  86-88 
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