First Line |
Page |
Verses |
'Tis done! the edict past, by Heaven decreed |
3-5 |
7 |
When sailing for Columbia's land |
5-6 |
3 |
Streamlet that flow'd round her cot, The |
6-7 |
2 |
Plague on those musty old lubbers, A |
7-8 |
4 |
10-12 |
6 |
My friends all declare that my time is mispent |
13 |
3 |
Poll, dang' it how d' ye do |
14-15 |
4 |
Day is departed and round from the cloud, The |
15-16 |
3 |
Tho' the Muses ne'er smile by the light of the sun |
16-17 |
3 |
God save America |
18 |
3 |
I that was once a ploughman, a sailor am now |
19-21 |
4 |
Rose from her bosom has stray'd, A |
22 |
2 |
Hark the din of distant war |
22-23 |
3 |
When sorrow baneful ills impart |
24 |
2 |
Arise! ye gen'rous youth of France |
25-28 |
9 |
Allons, enfans de la patrie |
28-32 |
11 |
Ah! ca ira, ca ira, ca ira |
33-34 |
1 |
Madame Veto avait promis |
34-36 |
13 |