Bibliography - Mother Goose, 1799

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Short Title Mother Goose, 1799 
Title Mother Goose's Melody 
Pages 91 
Publisher Thomas, Jun., Isaah 
Location AoA 
Date 1799 
Place Worcester 
Data Place AoA: E35847 
First Line Page Verses
There was a little man, who wooed a little maid  10-13 
Little Betty Winkle she had a pig  14-15 
Trip upon trenchers, and dance upon dishes  16-17   
Cross pitch draw the latch  18   
I wont be my father's Jack  19 
Three wise men of Gotham  20   
There was an old-man, and he had a calf  21 
There was an old woman liv'd under a hill  22 
There was an old woman liv'd under a hill  23 
Ding dong bell, the cat is in the well  24   
Little Tommy Tucker sings for his supper  25 
Se saw, Margery Daw  26 
Great A, little a  27 
Se saw, sacaradown  28 
Shoe the colt  29 
Is John Smith within?  30 
High diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle  31 
Ride a cock horse, To Banbury Cross  32 
Cock a doodle doo  33 
There was an old man, In a velvet coat  34 
Round about, round about, maggotty pye [sic]  35 
Jack and Gill went up the Hill  36 
There were two birds sat on a stone  37 
Hush a by baby on the tree top  38 
Little Jack Horner sat in a corner  39 
Pease pPorridge hot, pease porridge cold  40 
Who comes here? A grenadier  41 
Jack Sprat could eat no fat  42 
What care I how black I be  43 
Tell tale tit, your tongue shall be slit  44 
One, two, three, four and five  45 
Three children sliding on the ice  46-47 
Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man  48 
When I was a little boy I had but little wit  49 
When I was a little boy, I liv'd by myself  50-51 
This pig went to market  52 
Oh my kitten, a kitten  53 
There was a man of Thessaly  54-55 
Long tail'd pig, or a short tail'd pig, A  56 
Bow, wow, wow, Whose dog art thou?  57 
Bah, bah, black sheep  58 
Robin and Richard were two pretty men  59-60 
There was an old woman and she sold puddings and pies  61 
We're three brethren out of Spain  62 
Sow came in with the saddle, The  63 
Piping hot, smoaking hot, What I've got  64 
There were two blackbirds, sat upon a hill  65 
Boys and girls come out to play  66-67 
Dickery, dickery, dock, The Mouse ran up the clock  68 
Here's A, B, and C  69-70 
I would, if I could, If I couldn't how could I?  71 
Where the bee sucks, there suck I  74 
You spotted snakes, with double tongue  75 
Blow, blow, thou winter wind  76 
When Daisies pied, and Vilets blue [sic]  77-78 
When Icicles hang on the wall  79-80 
O Mistress mine, where are you running?  83 
Tell me where in fancy bred [sic]  84 
Under the greenwood tree  85 
Jog on, jog on, the foot path way  86 
Hark. hark! the lark at Heav'n's gate sings  87 
When daffolds begin to appear [sic]  88 
Who doth ambition shun  89 
Orpheus with his lute made trees  90 
Poor soul sat singing by a sycamore tree, The  91 
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