Bibliography - Republican, 1800

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Short Title Republican, 1800 
Title Republican Harmonist, The 
Pages 101 
Publisher Ebsworth, Daniel 
Location NcD, Duke IE J45AP No12 
Date 1800 
Place Philadelphia 
Data Place NcD TOC IE J45AP No12 
First Line Page Verses
To check foul tyranny's advance  4-5  14 
Long Columbia bore with pain  6-8 
In these festive times of mirth frolic and fun  9-12  10 
Ye true sons of freedom, ye rude swinish throng  13 
About five and twenty weeks ago, it is not many more I ween  16-18 
Hail! Liberty supreme delight  19-20 
All hail! ye sons of liberty, hail, to this glorious day  20-21 
Let's drink to a free Constitution  21 
Peasant, the peasant, in his humble cot, The  21-22 
O, Fortune, how strangely thy gifts are awarded  22-24 
Come all you jolly sailors here  24-25 
America, thou glorious nation  25-27   
Ye sons of Columbia, O! think on my fate  28-29 
Good people attend, to some lines I have penn'd  32-35  24 
Tho' loves soft transports, may  35-36 
Make room all ye kingdoms, in hist'ry renowned  36-37 
Fairest flowerets bring, The  37-38 
Soul of Columbia, quenchless spirit come  39 
'Tis past---another Anniversive day  39-41   
Ye sons of France, awake to glory  42-43 
What meant our consternation  43   
O'er the vine-cover'd hills and gay regions of France  46-47 
Unfold, father time, thy long records unfold  47-48 
In the gay domains of France, where the graces trip so light, sir  49   
Silence, men of Gotham all, in country, court, and city  52-55 
Come to a song of rustic growth  56-57 
Good people attend to my story  60-61 
Adieu! adieu! my only life  61-62 
Attend true sons of freedom to a new-fashion'd song  63 
Ye friends to old England, ye rude swinish throng  66-68  10 
As Tague and his comrade were digging potatoes  68-69 
Green were the fields where my forefathers dwelt, O  70 
Mathew Lyon, of Vermont, you know  77-80 
Arise, and blow thy trumpet, Fame!  81 
Unite, unite, your voices raise  82 
When earth's foundation first was laid  82-83 
Ere God the Universe began  83-84 
While trifles lead the world astray  85 
Genius of Masonry descend  86-87 
When my divine Althea's charms  87 
Hail, Masonry! thou sacred Art  88 
When the Sun from the East first salutes mortal eyes  89-90 
Come let us prepare  90 
Enough of war, enough of crime  93 
Man of pure and constant mind, The  96-98 
When a lodge of Free-masons are clothed in their aprons  98-99  10 
There are, degenerate! to the future blind  100-101 
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