Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1722.08.30

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Index Entry Drums, in Canso, beat for volunteers against Indian uprising 
Location Nova Scotia 
23-30 Aug 1722:12 (142)
Canso, in Nova Scotia, Aug. 2.  His Excellency the Governor,
having received certain intelligence, that the Indidans were
in arms, . . . [6 lines]  He assembled all the masters of
ships and shoremen, and proposed to them the fitting out two
armed sloops, to protect the fishery and recover the vessels
and captives:  Which being readily agreed to, His Excellency
immediately ordered his drums to be beat for voluntiers, and
in half an hour's time got forty jolly fellows; . . . [43

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1722.08.30 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1722 
Bibliography B0000348
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