Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1722.11.23

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Index Entry Bell ringers, in Norton, Somerset, ring to drown out noise of thunder 
Location Norton 
15-23 Nov 1722:31 (154)
  They write from Norton near Crewkerne, Somerset, that
dreadful thunder and lightning happened lately there.  The
people that were ringing were knocked down, and lay as dead
for some time; a stone was broke out of the tower of near
two hundred weight; several were moved; and other damage
done. The ringers being asked, why they continued to ring at
such a dreadful time? replied, It was to drown out the noise
of the thunder.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1722.11.23 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1722 
Bibliography B0000360
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