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15-23 Nov 1722:31 (154)
London Septem. 4. This day se'night at night, His Majesty
lay at the Duke of Bolton's, the next morning he set out for
Salisbury, and as he passed through Basingstoke he ordered
fifty guineas for the poor of the town, and between five and
six that afternoon, viz, on Wednesday, he arrived at
Salisbury, being met 6 miles off of that city by the high
sheriff and his posse on horseback with drums and trumpets,
he was also met at the gates of the city by the mayor,
aldermen, recorder (the last made a very fine speech to His
Majesty, congratulating him on his safe arrival) the several
companies with their banners and formalities, viz. weavers,
taylors, shoemakers, hammermen, joiners, &c. who had also
drums and trumpets, and was conducted into the city by a
vast concourse of people on horseback. His Majesty with His
Royal Highness dined that day and the following at the
Bishop's palace, where was provided a magnificent
entertainment at the King's expense. . . [24 lines]