Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1723.09.12

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Index Entry Bajazet [t], opera performed in Venice for opening of festival 
Location Venice 
5-12 Sep 1723:12 (195)
Venice, (a large city in Italy) May 7.  Monday last being
the festival of the discovery of the Holy Cross of the
Relick . . . [7 lines]  That day the Doge, Senate, Pope's
Nuncio, went in a body to St. Mark's Church, and heard
vesper; and next day, being Ascension-Day, the Doge, with
the same attendants, went on board the Bucentaure, and
marry'd the sea, with the usual ceremony.  The theatre was
open'd with an opera call'd Bajazet, and there will be a
masquerade during the whole fair, which will last a
fortnight, as usual.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1723.09.12 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1723 
Bibliography B0000401
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