Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1723.11.28

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Index Entry Musicians, in Naples, accident in church 
Location Naples 
21-28 Nov 1723:11 (206)
Naples, (a large city in Italy) August 24.  A sad accident
happened t'other day in the church of St. Mary of Miracles,
where, while the people were celebrating the Festival of her
Ladyship's Ascension, the organ loft where the musicians
sate fell down on a sudden, by which three of the musicians
were crushed to death and the rest crippled or very much
hurt; which caused no little confusion among the great
number of devotees who were in the said church.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1723.11.28 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1723 
Bibliography B0000412
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