Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1723.11.28

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Index Entry Audience, in Prague, of 4,000 for Italian opera at amphitheatre 
Location Prague 
21-28 Nov 1723:12 (206)
Prague, (the capital of Bohemia) Sept. 5.  This city swarms
so with people that the streets are hardly wide enough to
contain them; and there was an Italian opera the night
before last, which was so crowded; that though the
ampitheatre holds above 4000 people, several hundred persons
of distinction could not get in; therefore thousands of
people took their places yesterday in the church, and staid
there all night, that they might be sure of seeing the
Emperors coronation, which was performed this morning with a
world of state and magnificence.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1723.11.28 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1723 
Bibliography B0000412
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