Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1723.12.24

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Index Entry Be this auspicious day renown'd in story [fl] 
Location Whitehaven 
17-24 Dec 1723:21 (210)
London, August 20.  A prologue on the first of August,
spoken before some gentlemen at Whitehaven, met to celebrate
the day, and humble dedicated to his excellency, the Earl
  Be this auspicious day renown'd in story, 
  Sacred to fame, and to the British glory.
  The omniscient pow'r who further change foresees, 
  This bright accession to the throne decrees, 
  Inspires the senate under great Nassau, 
  To pass the important motion into law:
  . . . [22 more lines]

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1723.12.24 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1723 
Bibliography B0000416
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