Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1725.11.18

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Index Entry Comedy, French, in Hanover, acted at court for King of Prussia 
Location Hanover 
11-18 Nov 1725:11 (309)
Hanover, August 7. N.S.  The King of Great Britain has not
spar'd to divert his Prussian Majesty, as well here as at
Herenhausen:  In short, the marks of friendship which are
interchang'd betwixt these two monarchs are inexpressible. 
To manifest their regard at the same time for the interests
of the common cause of religion and liberty, they spend an
hour together every day in the cabinet, with the doors shut
up so that the subject, as well as the result of their
secret negotiations must be left to the discovery of time. 
When they return'd on the 6th at night from a French comedy
that was acted in the castle, most of the houses in
Botch-street, thro' which the court passed were finely
illuminated and several were distinguished by curious
cyphers, especially that of M. Hagen, President of the
Chamber, who in one of his illuminated windows had these
words underneath, United for Ever; all which illuminations
and devices being clear evidences of the peoples affection,
were not a little pleasing to both their Majesties.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1725.11.18 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1725 
Bibliography B0000515
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