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25 Nov-2 Dec 1725:11 (311)
Rome, July 21. It being reported t'other day, that there
was to be a fine serenade at Trinite du Mont, a great number
of Cardinals, Dukes and Dutchesses, &c. went to the
neighbouring houses, to have the pleasure of hearing it; but
instead of the expected consort of musick they were
entertain'd with noises of fighting and confus'd outcries of
discord, which lasted above an hour; so that the auditors
who were very numerous, being tir'd out with such a
catterwawling symphony returned home in very great dudgeon
for having been made such fools. The Chevalier Piccolimini
having made several attempts to throw himself out at a
window; but being always prevented, Cardinal Corsini has
caus'd him to be remov'd to the Palace Ghigi, where he is
always attended by two adjutants of his Eminency's