Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1731.05.27

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Index Entry Black Joke [t], played by fiddler for amorous couple in barn 
Location Gloucestershre 
20-27 May 1731:32 (595)
London, March 6. . . We here from Broadway in
Gloucestershire, that last week, a fiddler who had been
playing there pretty late, stept into a barn to take a nap;
and was no sooner laid down, but in came a man and a woman,
who presently struck a bargain, and agreed, the one to pull
of her petticoat, and the other, his breeches.  When they
had done their business, the fidler struck up the Black
Joke, which they thought, was the devil come to play them a
tune, so that they both run, the woman without her hoop, and
the man without his breeches, in which was 50 s. and a
silver watch.  The fidler had both cry'd, but no body owns

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1731.05.27 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1731 
Bibliography B0000801
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