Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1732.09.21

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Index Entry Psalms, sung by Palatines on ship from Rotterdam to Pennsylvania 
Location Deal 
14-21 Sep 1732:32 (664)
Extract of a letter from a gentleman at Deal, to his friend
in London, dated July 8.
Yesterday I went on board the Johnson Gally, Capt. Crokett,
in the Downs, bound from Rotterdam with Palatines to
Pennsylvania, and was agreeably surprized at the good order
and regularity observ'd among them.  There are about 350
men, women, and children on board, and altho' some are
Lutherans and others Calvinists, yet they lived in great
harmony, and join morning and evening in prayer and singing
of psalms, which lasts about an hour, their children seem to
have some education, the little ones having each a book, out
of which they sing with the rest: . . . 

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1732.09.21 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1732 
Bibliography B0000870
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