Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1734.10.17

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Index Entry Drums, in Philipsburg, beat in German capitulation 
Location Philipsburg 
10-17 Oct 1734:21, 22 (772)
Philipsburg, July 24. N.S.  On the 21st, immediately after
the German garrison was marched out of this town, the
regiments of Bigorre, Agenis, Auxerrois and Ponthieu enter'd
the same, there to remain in garrison; and the Regiment of
French Guards, who on the 18th, after the capitulation was
signed, took possession of one of the gates of the town,
returned to the camp. . . [8 lines, losses]   The
capitulation of the garrison of this place was in substance
as follows:
  That the garrison of Philipsburg should march out on the
21st, with all the honours of war, drums beating and colours
flying; . . . 

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1734.10.17 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1734 
Bibliography B0000979
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