Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1735.01.07

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Index Entry Covent Garden Theatre, actor, Farenelli engaged for winter season 
Location London 
31 Dec 1734-7 Jan 1735:32 (784)
London, October 12. . . On Thursday last the famous [letter
u is upside down] Signior Farenelli was introduced by the
Right Hon. the Lord Cowper:  He is just arrived from Rome,
is the principal chorister in the Popes Chappel and is
allowed by all judges to be the first voice in the world;
the court receiv'd him with particular marks of esteem, and
he had the honour to sing before their Majesty's and the
rest of the Royal family, in the Queen's anti-chamber, with
vast applause.  'Tis said he engaged for a large sum of
money to sing during the winter, at the theatre in Covent

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1735.01.07 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1735 
Bibliography B0000992
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