Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1735.01.21

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Index Entry Runaway, servant named Sellers, Thomas, plays violin 
Location Williamsburg 
14-21 Jan 1735:41 (786)
Run away, from Mr. Stagg, of Williamsburg, the 9th of
December last, from the house of Col. Corbin, in King and
Queen County, a servant man named Thomas Sellers, about 20
years of age, of a fair complexion, pitted with the small-
pox, short of stature, very much battle-ham'd, and has lost
his left eye by the kick of a horse; he is by trade a
barber, plays well on the violin, and writes a tolerable
hand.  Had on when he went away, a dark olive colour'd frize
coat double breasted with brass buttons, a white wastecoat,
linnen breeches and grey stockings.  He also took with him a
black horse branded TB, a star in his forehead, and one
white foot behind.  Whoever secures the said runaway so that
he may be had again, and gives notice thereof to Mr. Stagg
aforesaid, or to Mr. Andrew Bradford, printer, in
Philadelphia, or Mr. William Parks, printer, in Annapolis,
shall have five pounds reward, paid by [signed] Charles

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1735.01.21 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1735 
Bibliography B0000994
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