Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1735.03.20

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Index Entry Bell, in Oxford, Thund'ring Tom, tolls every night at nine 
Location Oxford 
11-20 Mar 1735:11, 12, 21 (794)
From Chester county in the province of Pennsylvania, to a
friend at Oxford.
  Would you be concern'd to know
  How your former friend doth do;
  Long toss'd at sea, at last came o'er, 
  And now possess the Latian shore;
  . . . [2 1/2 columns more, with reference in line 9 to
"thund'ring Tom, " defined in footnote as "a great bell at
Oxford, which tolls every night at nine, by which notice is
given to the students to repair to their respective

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1735.03.20 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1735 
Bibliography B0001002
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