Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1735.10.09

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Index Entry Psalms, Singing, new version, dispute over printing 
Location London 
2-9 Oct 1735:21 (823)
London. . . Jul. 31. . . Upon a motion made on Tuesday last,
before the Right Hon. the Master of the Rolls, by counsel
for Mr. Baskett, his Majesty's printer, complaining of an
incroachment upon his patent and office as King's printer,
by Robert Walker and James Harris, M.A. in composing,
printing and publishing the Book of Common-Prayer, with the
new version of Singing Psalms, according to proposals
deliver'd out by the said Robert Walker, his honour was
pleased to grant an injunction to stay the said Mr. Walker
from printing and publishing the same.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1735.10.09 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1735 
Bibliography B0001031
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