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9-16 Mar 1736:21, 22 (846)
London, Nov. 20. They send us a surprizing article from
Paris, --that the talk of that town is wholly taken up at
present with the religion of two actresses, and those
Mademoiselle Salle and the little Grognette, both of whom
danc'd last year in our theatres. These ladies, it seems,
live together like man and wife, but have their habitation
with one Mr. Poquelin, a sort of a lover, whose regard is
more for their souls than their bodies; and accordingly,
nothing could satisfy him till they had received the
communion. 'Twas difficult to find a priest who would give
it to ladies of their professions; but a frier, at length,
touch'd with their piety, and -- offer of a brace of
Louidores, ventur'd to officiate, which has been since
discover'd, and the poor Father excommunicated for his