Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1736.11.04

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Index Entry Dancing ass, tax proposed on, in satire on tax on dogs 
Location London 
28 Oct-4 Nov 1736:11 (879)
[In satire from the London Magazine for June last, writer
responds to the proposed tax on dogs, to putting a tax on
asses, including a tax for] . . . every dancing ass  2 L
every singing ass, . . . 10 s.
   I have put the last article so low, because they are the
least profitable part of the asinine race; but considering
that they are very numerous, they will bring in a good
revenue, and thus become in some measure serviceable to the
publick. . .

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1736.11.04 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1736 
Bibliography B0001087
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