Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1736.11.18

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Index Entry Students, in London, prohibited attending theatrical performances at booth 
Location London 
11-18 Nov 1736:22 (881)
London. . . Sept. 8.  A booth having been lately built at
Cambridge for theatrical performances, contrary to the will
of the Vice-chancellor of the University, we hear his
worship has publish'd an edict strictly prohibiting
gentlemen belonging to the university from encouraging, or
so much as appearing at their said performances on the
penalty of 40s. for each person that so offends.  And in
order to discover the offenders in such cases there is talk
of chusing a Special proctor for the college, whose business
it will be to attend the house each night of acting, and
discover such delinquents as shall be found transgressing
the order of the aforesaid edict.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1736.11.18 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1736 
Bibliography B0001089
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