Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1737.01.25

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Index Entry Dunfy, William, runaway servant, plays flute 
Location Burlington 
18-25 Jan 1737:32 (891)
Ran-away on the 9th instant from William Montgomerie, in the
county of Burlington, in New-Jersey, an Irish servant man
named Thomas Dunfy, about 21 years of age, of middling
stature, and has short black hair.  He had on when he went
away, a felt hat, a dark wooll-wig, coat and vest of a brown
colour with brass buttons . . . [3 lines, other clothes]  He
can play on the flute.
  Whoever takes up and secures said servant so that his said 
master may have him again, shall have thirty shillings
reward, [signed] Wm Montgomerie.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1737.01.25 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0001099
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