Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1738.08.03

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Index Entry Drum, in Edinburg, beat to announce anti-rabies measures 
Location Edinburg 
27 Jul-3 Aug 1738:12 (970)
Edinburg, Apr 10.  Friday last a complaint was given into
the magistrates, that a mad bull bitch, belonging to James
Grieg, butcher, had bit many dogs . . . [14 lines, rabies
outbreak, magistrates order all dogs killed.]  The street
cadies &c. went very early into obedience of this edict, for
the drum had scarce gone round to intimate the same when
they fell a knocking o'the head all suspicious or ill-
affected curs, . . .

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1738.08.03 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1738 
Bibliography B0001176
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