Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1739.01.23

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Index Entry Drum, in Edinburg, local girls follow, to go with men in army 
Location Edinburg 
16-23 Jan 1739:21, 22 (995)
Edinburgh, Sept. 5, Among the many unfortunate girls who
were mad enough to desert their service and follow the drum,
with the troops that were last here, the wretched fate of
one in particular is most deplorable; who, tho' she had been
beat and kick'd by the soldier she went along with, (and to
whom she to the last affirm'd she was married) yet continued
trudging after him . . . 

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1739.01.23 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1739 
Bibliography B0001200
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