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14-22 Mar 1739:22 (1003)
London, . . . December 2. . . Last night as soon as picking
of pockets were over at the play-houses, Filching Bob,
Newgate Will, Tyburn Dick, NoNation Sam, Hounslow, and
Gibbet, with their several doxies, &c. met at Newtoner's
Lane, near St. Giles's, over a flowing bowl of punch of two
gallons, (according to Act of Parliament) to rejoice for the
transportation of Tom Jones, who brought as may [many?]
moveables to the Lock as any two hands in the town; when
after d--g one anothers precious eyes, they voted him what
supplies that were necessary, and drank to his happy return;
tho' it was agreed that if he should be immediately
transported, he should not return till the opening of the
balls at the Hay-market, and in the mean time should reside
in Holland to put off such bank notes, gold watches, snuff
boxes, &c. as would be made this winter, and were unsafe to
be disposed of here.