Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1739.03.22

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Index Entry Balls, in London, pickpockets frequent 
Location London 
14-22 Mar 1739:22 (1003)
London, . . . December 2. . . Last night as soon as picking
of pockets were over at the play-houses, Filching Bob,
Newgate Will, Tyburn Dick, NoNation Sam, Hounslow, and
Gibbet, with their several doxies, &c. met at Newtoner's
Lane, near St. Giles's, over a flowing bowl of punch of two
gallons, (according to Act of Parliament) to rejoice for the
transportation of Tom Jones, who brought as may [many?]
moveables to the Lock as any two hands in the town; when
after d--g one anothers precious eyes, they voted him what
supplies that were necessary, and drank to his happy return;
tho' it was agreed that if he should be immediately
transported, he should not return till the opening of the
balls at the Hay-market, and in the mean time should reside
in Holland to put off such bank notes, gold watches, snuff
boxes, &c. as would be made this winter, and were unsafe to
be disposed of here.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1739.03.22 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1739 
Bibliography B0001208
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