Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1741.10.15

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Index Entry Skimmington, mob makes Joseph Davis ride 
Location Boston 
8-15 Oct 1741:22 (1137)
Boston, . . .  August 5.  Last Monday evening a barbarous
murder was committed in a precinct lately taken out of
Almsbury, in the following manner, viz.  One Joseph Davis of
that place, being suspected of criminal conversation with a
young woman whom he kept in his house, and suffered and
encouraged to abuse and ill treat his wife, a number of his
neighbours got together about a fortnight ago, and made him
ride Skimmington, and afflected him some other ways for
their own diversion and (as they design'd) his reformation;
upon which he put the wench away, and promis'd his
neighbours, that if ever he took her in again, and they
heard of it, he would deliver her up to them on demand . . .
[he does, they come, he fires a gun at them, and kills one.]

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1741.10.15 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1741 
Bibliography B0001342
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