Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1743.01.27

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Index Entry Hymn, German, line printed on medal 
Location Breslau 
27 Jan-1 Feb 1743:12 (1204)
A medal was lately issued at Breslau, on occasion of the
peace between his Prussian Majesty and the Queen of Hungary,
. . . [5 lines, description]  The reverse represents the
name of God in a triangle, and underneath the following
verses, containing the number of the year, 1742, 
  Es koMt Gott he VVIt Vns Versehn, 
  VnD Lasset Vns VIeL gVts gesChehn, 
which are taken from a German hymn, and are in English thus,

  The Lord came unto us, and hath blessed us when we least
expected it.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1743.01.27 
Publisher Bradford, Cornelia 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1743 
Bibliography B0001408
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