Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1743.05.05

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in Bologna, spoils of war, Spaniards fail to show 
Location Bologna 
28 Apr-5 May 1743:21 (1217)
Florence, Feb. 12.  Upon the 11th towards evening the
Spanish army return'd, and took up their old posts again in
the suburbs of Bologne, in the Chartreux, and other
convents.  M. de Gages, when he was got upon the Bridge of
Rheno, a mile off Bologne, caused a triple discharge of
small arms and field pieces to be made by the troops which
had already passed over it, and in his march under the walls
of Bologne he caused himself to be preceeded, by way of
triumph, by two hundred Austrians, who had been taken
prisoners in the beginning of the battle.  After this he
went to his old quarters.  Upon the 12th in the morning he
went accompanied by his principal officers richly dressed,
to the church of the Spanish college in Bologne, where he
caused solemn mass and Te Deum to be sung for the great
victory obtained over the armies of the Queen of Hungary,
and the King of Sardinia.  The Spaniards had given out
through the city of Bologne, that they would that day expose
to publick view the kettle drums and the standards which
they had taken from the enemy, which drew a great concourse
of people together, but nothing of that kind was to be seen,
which occasioned great laughter and raillery among the
populace. . .

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1743.05.05 
Publisher Warner, Isaiah, and Cornelia Bradford 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1743 
Bibliography B0001422
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