Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1745.09.12

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Index Entry Lyric, topical [beg] Proud France, why such excessive joy 
Location Philadelphia 
5-12 Sep 1745:32 (1340)
Please to insert the following lines made upon reading the
King of France and Dauphin's letters (in your Post-boy) to
the Queen and Dauphiness, concerning the engagement at
  Proud France, why such excessive joy, 
  For vict'ry gain'd at Fontenoy?
  What can your heroes vainly boast:
  For Tournay many thousands cost;
  And Louisburg you've lately lost.
  . . . [8 more lines]

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1745.09.12 
Publisher Bradford, Cornelia 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1745 
Bibliography B0001545
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