Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1745.11.28

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Index Entry Cuper's Gardens, music for celebration of victory at Cape Breton 
Location London 
21-28 Nov 1745:22 (1351)
London. . . Sept. 11.  Last night at Cuper's Gardens the
musick and additional fire-works of storming and taking Fort
Louisbourg met with an universal applause from a very polite
and numerous assembly, all allowing nothing of the kind was
ever exhibited in England equal to it.
  Count Daunitz having sung Te Deum at Brussels, and given a
grand entertainment there, on the score of the Grand Duke's
election, his Royal Highness the duke was there with 57
general officers.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1745.11.28 
Publisher Bradford, Cornelia 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1745 
Bibliography B0001556
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