Index Entry | Actor, Griffith, in Ireland, reported on hanging of MacKay |
Location | Ireland |
Citation | BC.768.037 9-16 May 1768:1992 (1/22) Dr. Sheridan's account of one MacKay, an Armagh [Ireland] rogue, who was hanged, Aug 13. 1735. Griffith the player, says Sheridan, never made so merry an exit. He [MacKay] invited his audience the night before, with a promise of giving them such a speech from the gallows, as they never heard; and indeed he made his words good . . . |
Generic Title | Boston Chronicle |
Date | 1768.05.16 |
Publisher | Mein and Fleeming |
City, State | Boston, MA |
Year | 1768 |
Bibliography | B0001603 |