Citation - Boston Chronicle: 1768.11.14

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Index Entry Bell ringers, should not ring during storm, electric shock danger 
Location Paris 
7-14 Nov 1768:4291-2 (1/48)
On the Means of Preservation from Thunder, from the History
of the Paris Academy of Sciences, just published. . . [2
columns, including the following advice:]  It is also a bad
practice to ring bells when the storm is over a church;
those instruments are of metal, and the ringers who hold the
ropes in their hands, whereby the electric shock may be
easily communicated to them, are in very great danger.  So
that it is best to leave the bells at rest, and not come too
near the steeple, which from the weight of metal it
contains, is more exposed than any other part of the

Generic Title Boston Chronicle 
Date 1768.11.14 
Publisher Mein and Fleeming 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0001631
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