Citation - Boston Chronicle: 1768.12.12

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Index Entry Assembly, in York, King of Denmark planned to attend 
Location York 
5-12 Dec 1768:4711 (1/52)
Extract of a letter from York, Sept. 1.  His Danish Majesty,
with 120 persons in his retinue arrived here, and took up
their residence at Bluitt's inn; adjoining to the Assembly
Room, which he went to see, and was much pleased with its
appearance, and would have been attended with all the ladies
and gentlemen round the country at an assembly this night,
but, it was reported, an express he received here this
morning from London obliged him to return.

Generic Title Boston Chronicle 
Date 1768.12.12 
Publisher Mein and Fleeming 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0001637
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