Citation - Boston Chronicle: 1769.03.20

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Index Entry Castor and Pollux [t] [beg] Sons of Leda, and of Jove I sing 
Location Boston 
16-20 Mar 1769:921,922,923 (76)
The Twenty-second Idyllium of Theocritus, newly translated
from the Greek, by Francis Fawkes, M.A.
This is a hymn, after the manner of the ancient Arcadians in
praise of Castor and Pollux, . . . [11 lines introduction]
  The sons of Leda, and of Jove I sing,
  Immortal Jove, the aegis-bearing King,
  Castor and Pollux, with the caestus grac'd,
  Which round her wrist thick thongs of bullhide brac'd;
  . . . [20 lines]
  O friends of human kind in utmost need,
  Fam'd for the song, the lyre, the gauntlet and the steed!
  . . . [2 1/2 columns]

Generic Title Boston Chronicle 
Date 1769.03.20 
Publisher Mein and Fleeming 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0001661
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