Citation - Boston Chronicle: 1769.10.26

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Index Entry Songs, love, published by correspondent, unappreciated by readers 
Location Boston 
23-26 Oct 1769:3481 (139)
Mr. Meddler,  I have a double claim to your regard, first as
one of the human species in distress, and then as a member
of the fraternity of authors.  I have for a long time, been
a retailer or rather a pedlar of wit, but my credit is so
low, that I am in danger of bankruptcy.  I have published
essays, songs, jests, satires, almanacks, prophecies, and
letters to a friend, all which the ungrateful world has
neglected and despised; . . .  [33 lines]  I have further,
as became my circumstances deeply studied the rules of
praise, and commendation, and read critically all the
productions of flattery in every age, from the orations and
panegyricks of the ancients, down to the dedications,
funeral-sermons, love-songs and heroic poems of the moderns.
. . [19 lines, signed] Schemer.

Generic Title Boston Chronicle 
Date 1769.10.26 
Publisher Mein and Fleeming 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0001724
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