Citation - Boston Chronicle: 1769.11.16

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Index Entry Arne: Ode [t], sung in Stratford for Shakespeare Jubilee 
Location Stratford 
13-16 Nov 1769:3703 (145)
Extract of a letter from Stratford-upon Avon, August 10.
  Agreeable to my promise, I have sent you a sketch of the
intended diversions of our jubilee.
  On the morning of the 6th of Sept. the jubilee will be
opened by the firing of cannon.  At twelve the ladies go to
the church, where an oratory will be performed:  from the
church, the band in grand chorus will proceed to the grand
booth, where dinner will be prepared; after that songs,
glees, &c. will fill up the time till the ode is performed;
the recitative part by Mr. Garrick, who will crown a statue
of Shakespeare with laurel.  The ode is long, and excellent
in its way; the music is composed by Dr. Arne, who, I hear,
has succeeded happily.  After the ode, there will be a ball,
which finishes the day.  The next day which is the principal
one, will be opened (if the weather permits) with a very
extraordinary cavalcade of various characters in different
plays of Shakespeare, preceded by six satyrs playing upon
reeds:  These Tragi Comic heroes advance to the great booth,
and stand round the statue of Shakespeare,; then Garrick
again repeats the ode.  He then goes to the hall to dedicate
that to Shakespeare.  From this time to dinner they dress of
the evening entertainments, whilst the town is to be amused
with the singing of a variety of ballads, &c. wrote upon the
occasion.  After dinner the catches and glees as before till
the ode is again performed; then the fireworks (which are
very curious indeed) and the town will be illuminated:  I
hear that a Cleopatra will sail down the Avon.  As the
masquerade will finish the day, it is imagined that the
ladies and gentlemen will see the fireworks in the
masquerade habits, for the fireworks will be best seen from
the great booth.
   The great booth in which the ode will be performed, is
proposed to hold about 2000 people at least; and that every
one may be accommodated in respect to the hearing of it, it
is said Mr. Garrick, if desired, will repeat it more than

Generic Title Boston Chronicle 
Date 1769.11.16 
Publisher Mein and Fleeming 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0001730
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