Citation - Boston Chronicle: 1770.05.03

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Index Entry Comedy, in London, conflicting opinions lead to duel 
Location London 
30 Apr-3 May 1770:1423 (193)
On Monday night two gentlemen, in a box at Drury-Lane
Theatre, differing in their opinions respecting the merits
of the new comedy, agreed to adjourn to the Shakespeare, and
decide the controversy by the point of the sword; they
called for a bottle of wine, and being conducted into a
room, immediately drew; when one by an oblique thrust cut
off one of the fingers of his antagonist; the waiter hearing
a noise rushed in, and disarmed them; they then drank out
the wine, and departed seeming in perfect amity.

Generic Title Boston Chronicle 
Date 1770.05.03 
Publisher Mein and Fleeming 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0001778
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