Citation - Boston Chronicle: 1770.05.31

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Index Entry Bon Mot, A [t] [beg] Return'd from the Op'ra, as lately I sat 
Location London 
28-31 May 1770:1753 (201)
A BON MOT.  On a Lady's Wedding being on the 21st of
  Return'd from the Op'ra, as lately I sat,
  Indiff'rently chatting of this thing and that,
  My Chloe I ask'd how it entered her head,
  To fix on St. Thomas, of all days, to wed?
  To which she replied, with reason the strongest,
  "Tho' shortest the day is--the night, Sir, is longest."

Generic Title Boston Chronicle 
Date 1770.05.31 
Publisher Mein and Fleeming 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0001786
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