Citation |
31 Jan 1737:21 (77)
London. . . Nov. 13. . . On Tuesday last Mrs. Mapp, the
famous bone-setter, came from her house at Epsom to the
Grecian Coffee House in Devereux Court, where she perform'd
several operations, as she did yesterday, in the presence of
Sir Hans Sloane, and divers other persons of distinction;
and, we hear, will continue there two or three days longer.
Amongst others was the following case:
The gentleman, when at nurse, had the misfortune of a
great fall, by which accident he had the bones of his
shoulder, hip, knee and foot, put out, and has continu'd in
that condition for 20 years, and usually wore a high-heel'd
shoe, at least 6 inches longer than the other; she put the
several bones in their proper places, and brought his leg
down even with the other, to the great surprize of all the
You surgeons of London, who puzzle your pates,
To ride in your coaches, and purchase estates,
Give over for shame, for your pride has a fall,
And the doctress of Epsom has out-done you all.
Derry down, &c.
. . . [3 more 4-line verses and chorus repeats.]