Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1739.01.15

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Index Entry Actors, French, in London, audience riot over, at Haymarket Theatre 
Location London 
15 Jan 1739:12 (179)
London. . . October 14. . . On Monday night last, there was
a sharp and bloody battle at the little theatre in the
Haymarket, between the new company of French strollers, and
the gentlemen of London, who did not care to see a parcel of
foreign varlots  encouraged whilst numbers of their own
countrymen were restrain'd from getting their bread, in a
much more useful and innocent manner.  For this purpose,
they saluted Monsieur Harlequin and company with a general
concerto of hisses, cat-calls, pelting, and other theatrical
musick, both vocal and instrumental, whilst a numerous army
without doors laid a furious siege to the house, and
batter'd the windows with great success.  The French were
supported by a body of regular English auxiliaries, both
within doors and without, commanded by a famous colonel of
the militia; who, being in the commission of the peace,
attempted to read the proclamation against riots; but this
being ridiculous in all military actions between one nation
and another, he was oblig'd to decline it; and the English
forces maintain'd their charge with so much vigour and
conduct, that they soon obliged the Enemy to retire with
great precipitation, and kept the field of battle all night. 
Whether they will dare to rally, is not yet known; but if
they should, there is no doubt but our brave countrymen will
be ready to receive them with the same intrepidity again.---
-It is confidently reported that General Harlequin was
seiz'd with a violent disorder in his bowels, upon the first
onset; and that one of his mademoiselles hath since
miscarry'd by the fright; but we hope this affair will not
be attended with any farther bad consequences; for if the
French court should look upon it as a national hostility, it
is certainly no breach of treaty between the two crowns.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1739.01.15 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1739 
Bibliography B0001970
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