Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1741.05.25

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Index Entry Bells, in Newport, rung for victory in Carthagena 
Location Newport 
25 May 1741:12,21 (303)
Newport, May 22.  On Saturday last, having the joyful news
of Admiral Vernon's fleet destroying the forts and castles
of Carthagena, we had great rejoicings here, by firing of
guns, ringing of bells and a great bonfire, drinking his
Majesty's and the Royal Family's healths, Admiral Vernon and
the general of the land forces.  The vessels in our harbour
had their colours displayed, and Fort George fired 50 great
guns, our man of war sloop fired 77, and Capt. John Brown's
privateer fired 66, besides several other guns that were
fired last Monday night, and other demonstrations of joy.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1741.05.25 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1741 
Bibliography B0002093
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