Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1741.05.25

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Index Entry Books, Gospel Sonnets, or, Spiritual Songs [t] (Erskine), 5th ed, for sale 
Location Boston 
25 May 1741:21 (303)
This day is published,  Gospel sonnets, or spiritual songs,
in six parts.
I. The Believer's Espousals.
II. The Believer's Jointure.
III. The Believer's Riddle.
IV. The Believer's lodging.
V. The Believer's Soliloquy.
VI. The Believer's Principles.
  Concerning creation and redemption, law and gospel,
justification and sanctification, faith and sense, heaven
and earth.  The fifth edition, with large additions and
great improvements.  By Ralph Erskine, M.A. Sold by Charles
Harrison, over-against the Brazen Head in Cornhill.
  N.B.  The above is recommended by the Rev. Mr. Whitefield
and the Rev. Mr. Tennent.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1741.05.25 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1741 
Bibliography B0002093
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