Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1741.05.25

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Index Entry Gerrish, John, sells violins 
Location Boston 
25 May 1741:22 (303)
To be sold by vendue, by John Gerrish, on Thursday next, the
28th of this instant May, at the house of Mr. Joseph Lewis,
Tobacconist, near the Sun Tavern on Dock Square, Boston, 
  Sundry sorts of valuable goods, among which are th
following, viz. [textiles]. . . Also guns, pistols, violins,
cases of bottles, &c.
  Likewise feather beds, cases of draws, chairs, sundry good
pots, kettles stew-pans, curtains, tables, desks, &c.
  N.B.  All the above articles may be view'd before the sale
begins, which will be about five o'clock p.m.

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1741.05.25 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1741 
Bibliography B0002093
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