Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1741.06.22

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Index Entry Drummer, in New London, messenger from Capt Brown re burning of Rockway 
Location New London 
22 Jun 1741:12 (307)
New-London, in Connecticut Colony, June 18th.  1741.
  At ten o'clock this morning, Mr. James Beebee arrived from
Southhold on Long Island, and informs, that this morning, a
little before day, his captain, Mr. Richard Brown, sent his
drummer to inform him the said Beebee, who gave him the
following account from said Capt. Brown, Viz.  Last Tuesday
night, at ten of the clock, the enemy (of what nation is
unknown) landed on the south side of the said island, near
Hampsted Plain, to the number of one thousand men, at the
town of Rockway, and have burnt the town to ashes. . . 

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1741.06.22 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1741 
Bibliography B0002097
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