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11 Apr 1743:11 (401)
The publick having been amus'd with several short and
imperfect accounts of the late extraordinary proceedings at
New-London, by Mr. Davenport and followers; and as we have
just received a more particular narrative of those
disorders, from a gentleman of known capacity and integrity,
we now present it to our readers.
An account of the extraordinary conduct of the New-Lights
at New-London, has doubtless before this time reach'd you at
Boston; but having been variously represented, the following
account (which may be depended upon) perhaps may not be
The Separatists at New-London sent a boat over to Long
Island to invite the grand enthusiast D-------t [Davenport]
over to organize their church (as they term'd it) He
arrived on or about the second day of March: He was no
sooner come to town, than he began to rectify some disorders
he supposed were prevailing among the children of God: . .
. . . [17 lines]
The books which were committed to the flames were as
follows, Beveridge's Thoughts on Religion, part of Flavel's
works, one piece of Mr. Henry's Russel's seven sermons,
Dyer's Golden Chain, the whole duty of man, one piece of Dr.
Increase Mather, one of Dr. Colman's, one of Dr. Sewall's,
and Dr. Chauncy's sermon against enthusiasm, Mr. Adams's
sermons, all that could be had; Flynt's 20 sermons,
Barnard's Hooper's Hart's, Samuel Russel's Beckworth's
Todd's Seaberry's and Bliss's sermons, with a book of
Williams and Wadsworth; these being called over, were with
much noise and outcry burnt on the tow[n] whar[f] in the
afternoon of the Sabbath Day, March 6th, just as people were
coming from meeting, who ran to see if murder or some other
mischief was not about to be done, and so were witnesses of
this their horrid delusion, and heard them sing hallelujahs
and gloria patri over the pile, and heard them with a loud
voice declare, that the smoak of the torments of such of the
authors of the abovesaid books as died in the same belief as
when they set them out, was now ascending in Hell in like
manner as they saw the smoak of them books rise. . . . . [1
full col. in all.]