Citation - Boston Evening Post (Fleet): 1745.10.07

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in Europe, spoils of war taken from Prince of Conti 
Location Europe 
7 Oct 1745:12 (530)
Newcastle, July 24.  There is a private letter in town,
which gives an account that there has been a bloody
engagement betwixt the Veldt-Marshalls Traun and Bathiani
and the Prince of Conti, in which the latter was entirely
defeated, with the loss of 15,000 kill'd, 9000 wounded, and
18,000 taken prisoners; besides 2000 officers.  'Tis farther
added, that they have taken 179 pieces of cannon, 180
baggage-waggons, 200 pair of colours, and 38 pair of kettle-
drums.----  (Charming news this, if it were true.)

Generic Title Boston Evening Post (Fleet) 
Date 1745.10.07 
Publisher Fleet, T. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1745 
Bibliography B0002321
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